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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 05 Hansard (Tuesday, 4 May 2004) . . Page.. 1742 ..

The government will provide $1 million in its 2004-05 capital works program to construct a new community purpose hall in Palmerston. Gungahlin is the fastest growing area in the ACT, currently at 11.1 per cent per annum, and the government is firmly committed to developing new facilities in the district that can properly service this growth.

Mr Speaker, this budget provides new funding of more than $16 million over the next four years to programs aimed at increasing the quality of life of the ACT’s senior citizens.

Children and family

Mr Speaker, the importance of our children can never be overstated. The social plan recognised this, in particular in two of its flagship commitments of child and family centres and caring for our children and young people.

Mr Speaker, in this budget we allocate $45 million across five years, including 2003-04, for protecting our children. Much of this funding will provide for extra substitute care days, which have increased in both number and cost over the past four months. We will also increase the number of child protection workers to respond to the growing caseload and number of children in need.

The government also recognises the invaluable work that foster carers do in our community. Additional funding of $1.5 million over four years will provide additional support for our carers.

We are also increasing resources for youth justice. Caseloads will be reduced, which will improve the capacity to provide intensive case management and increase the focus on early intervention.

The supplementary appropriation provided funding for the child and family centres.

Planning for the first centre at Gungahlin is well under way. It will provide a range of health, education, parenting and family support services.

Indigenous community

Mr Speaker, the situation of the indigenous community in the territory has always been something that Labor has worked hard to improve. The government is extremely proud to say that this budget provides many forward thinking indigenous initiatives, particularly around children, health and justice.

Support for indigenous students in government schools will be increased, with a further $1.6 million provided over four years. The program will enhance student engagement with learning and retention at school, with a particular focus on literacy and numeracy.

Koori preschool programs will increase to five sites, with multiple sessions per site. The initiative will enhance the social, emotional, literacy and numeracy development of

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