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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 04 Hansard (Wednesday, 31 March 2004) . . Page.. 1441 ..

In its submission to the ACT Budget process 2001/02, the Youth Coalition recommended that the ACT Government fund research to assess the need and develop models of a ‘Youth Night Shelter’. More recently, the report of the Select Committee on the Status of Women in the ACT (2002) also recommended investigation of a youth night shelter. This recommendation was made in response to addressing a gap in accommodation services for young people whose needs are unable to be met by existing models of accommodation services. In particular, those young people who are homeless and do not require, or are unable to accept greater levels of support such as that offered by youth SAAP services, however, are in need of a safe place to sleep with access to basic facilities (e.g. shower, overnight accommodation) ….

Reports from the youth sector and related reports (most recently the Needs Analysis of Homelessness in the ACT (2002)) highlight the continuing need for both additional ‘beds’ and a form of accommodation which is accessible to young people who do not ‘fit’ with mainstream services still exists.

The investigative work into alternative youth housing options by the Housing Policy Section of the Department of Urban Services (DUS) in 2000 and the subsequent research by the DUS in 2001 into a model and location for a youth night shelter was welcomed and supported by the youth sector. The establishment of a youth night shelter was also raised as an appropriate response at the Ministerial Youth Council’s first Annual Youth InterACT Conference convened in October 2002. A letter of support for this initiative has been provided by a member of the Ministerial Youth Council.

As an election commitment by the ALP, the Youth Coalition believes it is now time for the ACT Government to dedicate funds to the development of a Youth Night Shelter.

And, finally:

The establishment of a Youth Night Shelter should also have a positive impact on the number of inappropriate over night stays at Quamby Youth Detention Centre.

Since then I am aware that quite a lot of work has begun on issues around homelessness. In fact the minister is launching a strategy next week. There was also an external consultant commissioned to examine specific issues around youth homelessness who is expected to report around the end of the month.

As Mr Wood has argued, on one hand, you can argue that it makes sense to wait until the consultant reports before we start calling for the government to take action on a night shelter. On the other hand, it is perhaps reasonable for the Assembly to express its view that a night shelter in some form ought to be a priority for the next financial year and that such a priority could be managed as part of the strategy.

I would also make the point that the issue of safety of homeless or unsatisfactorily housed young people can only be addressed through direct consultation and discussion with young people. We need proper research and engagement with young people in order to design the programs or facilities that will improve their lives. Mr Wood has said that is occurring through the process, but I would also submit that it has occurred over the last

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