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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 04 Hansard (Wednesday, 31 March 2004) . . Page.. 1436 ..

So let’s move on to what has been happening that I think renders this motion unnecessary and perhaps somewhat problematic. There is, I think, no real need for this motion. Next week, on Wednesday of next week, I will table the homelessness strategy—the result of very careful, indeed exhaustive, consultation. I have just signed off letters to you all for the public launch in the reception room next door at 10 o’clock next Wednesday.

That homelessness strategy is the outcome of a thoroughly worked through process, and I would not want it to be at odds with something else. They may be in harmony; that may happen. They may be at slightly different odds; they might diverge slightly. I would not want that to happen.

That strategy is based on earlier works—the needs analysis that I mentioned, a review of youth SAAP—so we have got all the data to work on; we have spoken to all the people. Yes, young people. We have spoken to the youth refuges; we have spoken to the community; there have been consultations; there have been forums. You went to one of those forums—remember?—over at ANU Forestry. We have had that exhaustive consultation; we have been there. We have carefully developed that strategy; we have allocated that money that I mentioned—and I suppose I mention it too often for some people. That money will provide the consultation, the forums, the discussions and the development of the strategy; and we can best allocate that money. It is that strategy that provides the framework in which we will work.

I think that your motion, Ms Dundas, would have been better considered a year ago when it could have been worked into this homelessness strategy in general, which is pretty detailed. I have seen it, and you will see it. Yes, we are well aware of that committee report; I have got it here in front of me. I am well aware of it and I am well aware of the proposal in there for a youth night shelter.

As to youth homelessness specifically included in the homelessness strategy: we are taking action. I am about to have another report. I am sorry for Mrs Burke over there. Yes, we have taken some time to do this; I acknowledge that. But we do things thoroughly on this side of the house.

Mrs Burke: Mr Wood!

MR WOOD: You have no grounds to complain. Really, you have not. What we have done is contract Mr David MacKenzie, senior research fellow at the Institute for Social Research and director of Youth Development Australia, a pre-eminent researcher on youth homelessness, to undertake research, which is all done now, on the ACT service system, including the potential for a youth night shelter and the nature of such a service. Contrary to what Ms Dundas said, Mr MacKenzie’s project was developed, I am told, in close consultation with the Youth Coalition of the ACT and actively sought the input of young people who have experienced homelessness.

Mr MacKenzie’s draft report will be completed—this is the end of March—in April. His draft report on youth homelessness will be completed in April, in a matter of weeks. That is the draft. I expect—I cannot absolutely guarantee—as a draft it will be floated around briefly for final comment. That is the draft strategy.

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