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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 04 Hansard (Tuesday, 30 March 2004) . . Page.. 1357 ..

Amendments negatived.

Clause 153 agreed to.

Clauses 154 and 155, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Proposed new clause 155A

MS GALLAGHER (9.32): I move amendment No 10 circulated in my name [see schedule 1 at page 1371], which inserts a new clause 155A. The proposed government amendment is designed to minimise disadvantage to non-government schools that are already operating in the ACT and that have satisfied the notification period under section 22(1) of the Education Act 1937 for the commencement of additional educational levels. The amendment will provide that where a school is already operating and has provided notice of an intention to operate the school at an additional educational level prior to the date the Education Bill was presented to the Assembly on 27 November, they will be considered to have satisfied the notification period and criteria for in-principle approval until all the proposed educational levels have commenced operations. It does not apply to proposed education providers that are yet to commence operating in ACT schools.

Proposed new clause 155A agreed to.

Clauses 156 to 171, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Proposed new clause 171A.

MS GALLAGHER (Minister for Education, Youth and Family Services, Minister for Women and Minister for Industrial Relations) (9.34): I move amendment No 11 circulated in my name [see schedule 1 at page 1371]. This provides for the insertion of a transitional regulation making power which will facilitate the development of technical transitional arrangements between the current and new legislation to provide some flexibility to deal with unforeseen situations. This is now a standard provision in new ACT legislation. Similar provisions have been included in the Agents Act 2003 and the Charitable Collections Act 2003.

Proposed new clause 171A agreed to.

Clauses 172 to 176, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Schedule 1 agreed to.

Schedule 2.

MS GALLAGHER (Minister for Education, Youth and Family Services, Minister for Women and Minister for Industrial Relations) (9.35): I seek leave to move amendments Nos 12 to 19 circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.

MS GALLAGHER: I move amendments Nos 12 to 19 [see schedule 1 at page 1371] circulated in my name. These seven amendments make a range of amendments to

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