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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 04 Hansard (Tuesday, 30 March 2004) . . Page.. 1317 ..

Clause 20, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 21.

MR PRATT (5.17): I seek leave to move amendments Nos 4 to 6 circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.

MR PRATT: Mr Deputy Speaker, I move amendments Nos 4 to 6 circulated in my name [see schedule 3 at page 1376]. The amendment to proposed new clause 21(1A) provides:

(1A) In particular, the chief executive must ensure that—

(a) every effort is taken to create safe teaching conditions in all government schools; and

This follows on from my earlier amendment. This will include that human resources, training and support be made available to teachers when deemed appropriate to assist teachers to successfully provide students with a safe and beneficial learning environment. For example, this means that appropriate assistance may be given to teachers who have disruptive, badly behaved or violent students in their classes and where these few students may detract from the education of other students in the class. The amendment continues:

(b) each principal of a government school has a bursar and deputy principal to assist them in adequately supervising teachers and providing an efficient teaching and learning environment.

This would also free the principal up to proactively run the school and supervise staff, whereas now, in some cases, principals are caught up in administrative work and reactive operations of the school and are unable to proactively lead or supervise for the benefit of both teachers and students. To lift standards in teaching we need principals who can lead and mentor to raise those standards. The chief executive must create conditions in schools to allow principals to do this. Amendment No 5 to proposed new clause 21(4)(ba) complements amendment No 3 and, again, gives the principal the responsibility of “contributing to the character development of all students”. This replicates one of the proposed additional principles of the Education Bill as a responsibility of the principal. We think that it is necessary for teacher responsibilities to be broadened and their skills expanded and that they be given the wherewithal to be able to do this. The principal is responsible for driving that.

As to amendment No 6 to proposed new clause 21A, it is the view of the Liberal opposition that the Education Bill in its current form does not adequately cover the requirement, responsibility and rights of teachers and principals. The amendment addresses these issues. It states:

Obligations of teachers and principals

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