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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 03 Hansard (Thursday, 11 March 2004) . . Page.. 1131 ..
If there are issues down the line, you can address those. The capacity for the Assembly to come back and make further regulation is there. There is no difficulty with that. But to junk them all now, which is what Mrs Dunne is proposing, is irresponsible. At some point we have to bite the bullet and say that we want a new regulatory regime, we want to put it into place, we want to start applying it and we will learn from applying it. If issues come up, we will resolve them as they come up.
I happen to think this a positive step forward. Whilst demerits are new in the ACT context, it is a positive reform that allows for greater capacity and is positive for all engaged in the building and regulatory process. I think Mrs Dunne’s arguments lack merit. She is saying, “I do not think this is quite good enough; can you do something else?” but she does not have a suggestion. It is crunch time; it is time to bite the bullet; it is time to move forward with the new regulatory system. That is why the government will not be supporting her proposal.
Amendment negatived.
Schedule 2 to Regulations agreed to.
Schedule 3 to Regulations.
Sitting suspended from 6.29 to 8.00 pm.
MR CORBELL (Minister for Health and Minister for Planning) (8.00): I move amendment No 23 circulated in my name [see schedule 2 at page 1178]. This is a technical reference amendment to ensure that references to the Australian Standards that relate to electrical wiring work are correct.
Amendment agreed to.
Schedule 3 to Regulations, as amended, agreed to.
Remainder of bill, by leave, taken as a whole and agreed to.
Bill, as amended, agreed to.
Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2003
Detail stage
Debate resumed from 9 March 2004.
Clause 1 agreed to.
Remainder of bill, by leave, taken as a whole and agreed to.
Bill agreed to.
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