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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 03 Hansard (Thursday, 11 March 2004) . . Page.. 1048 ..

was opposed to this. One of the main reasons he gave for this was you, Mr Speaker. Last week Mr Corbell said

I made reference to the commitment that you, Mr Speaker, gave on behalf of the Labor Party at the time prior to the election that we would not support development on this site.

This morning I received a statutory declaration from the proponent. It is his account of the meeting and I would like to read some of that into Hansard. This is signed by the proponent, David O’Keefe of 10 Oatley Court, Belconnen and states:

I am the director of Madison Construction Pty Ltd.

On or about 26 November 2002, a meeting was held with [Mr] Corbell—

He names many other people who were at that meeting in Mr Corbell’s office—

During the discussion, [Mr] Corbell said words to the effect of “I am not supportive of the proposal because the land was a concessional lease and the Government’s Policy is to not allow lessees to redevelop concessional leases.”

That is a sentiment that I strongly agree with. The declaration goes on:

To that I advised him that this was a standard crown lease. I believe he was surprised with my comment.

Mr O’Keefe goes on:

I then asked [Mr] Corbell words to the effect of “what did you understand about our proposal?” to which he replied saying words to the effect of “I understood it is to be for environmental housing”.

I then said words to the effect of “Is that all you know about it?” and he replied…“yes.”

I then informed him that that was not the case saying words to the effect of “Our proposal includes setting aside approximately 50% of the land for older persons’ accommodation including an aged care facility.” He then seemed interested in what I was saying. I remember him leaning forward in his chair and listening to me with greater attention and interest.

I also remember [Mr] Corbell saying words to the effect of “It is of some interest to me and I will reconsider this matter in the light of the new information and I will respond to you in the near future.”

I then asked words to the effect of “When could I expect that response?” to which he replies in words to the effect of “it would be prior to Christmas”. Of course, I understood that he was referring to Christmas 2002.

I remember that no mention was made by either [Mr] Corbell or—

He mentions other people—

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