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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2004 Week 01 Hansard (Thursday, 12 February 2004) . . Page.. 392 ..

Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT)

CIT embarked on energy management initiatives (both power and water) before "mandatory" requirements were imposed on other agencies. As a consequence, there has been less capacity to reduce internal and external water usage.

Stage 1 - The decrease in water usage for the CIT was 2.5% compared to the corresponding period last year.

Stage 2 - The decrease in water usage for the CIT was 12% compared to the corresponding period last year.

(3) No penalties or warnings have been issued to the ACT Government.

ACTEW advise that three penalties have been issued to businesses since 1 October 2003 for non-compliance with restrictions.

(4) The new measures that have been introduced and implemented for large water users in the ACT Government as a result of the Stage 3 water restrictions are as follows.

Canberra Urban Parks and Places (CUPP)

To comply with Stage 3 restrictions, reducing water use by 40%, CUPP will cut watering on parklands at a higher proportional rate than sportsgrounds to allow higher value grounds to be retained under normal watering.

CUPP will achieve greater than 40% reduction in water usage on urban parkland by turning off irrigation to all irrigated parkland (72 ha) except the highest priority sites, such as Glebe Park, Northbourne Avenue median, flowerbeds, and the grass areas immediately surrounding district playgrounds. In total 12 ha of irrigated urban parkland will continue to be irrigated (14% of total urban open space).


CUPP has been in close consultation with ACTEW and also with ACTSPORT and individual sporting organisations to advise them of our response and assist to plan usage programs.

CUPP has classified all ACT Government sportsgrounds into four categories, based on relative status and usage levels:

Category 1, the highest status grounds, includes all enclosed ovals (24.6ha);

Category 2 consists of high use district playing fields (194.7ha);

Category 3 consists of lower use district playing fields and higher use neighbourhood ovals (53.7ha); and

Category 4 consists of lower use neighbourhood ovals (40ha).

Watering has been discontinued on all Category 4 grounds and 44 hectares of Category 3 grounds. This represents about 30% of the total area of sportsgrounds. If they become unsafe or unsuitable the grounds will be withdrawn from formal sporting use.

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