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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 12 Hansard (20 November) . . Page.. 4476 ..

Alchemy Management Solutions

Private residential address - ACT


Project management and evaluation phase support services for a Human Resource Management System. Replacement Project.

Yes. The consultant has prepared a report. However, due to the commercial-in-confidence nature of the project and its current procurement status, the report has not been released.

Evalua Pty Limited

7/51 Tenant Street Fyshwick ACT 2609


Evaluation support services for a Human Resource Management System Replacement Project.


Mallesons, Stephen Jaques

Level 9, St George Centre, Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra ACT 2601


Contract Advice.

No formal report - service provided was in the form of meetings with legal consultant.

Marshall Consulting

PO Box 2130 Kambah Village ACT 2902


Classification Review/Report for Legislative Assembly Members Staff Review.

Reports have been prepared and are being used as part of the consultation process with Members and Staff. Reports would be more widely available at the end of that process.

Marshall Consulting

PO Box 2130 Kambah Village ACT 2902


Classification Advice for Legislative Assembly Members Staff Review.


Mercer HR Consulting

123 Eagle Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000


Job Evaluations.

"In-confidence"reports provided. Reports held on position files, Industrial Relations and Public Sector Management Group.

MoZ Consulting

Private Residential Address - ACT


Conduct Focus Groups and facilitation service for Public Sector Management Act Review, HR Strategy Review and Implementation, Retirement Intentions Survey.

No, although records of the outcomes of meetings were provided to participants for comment.

Opticon Australia

Level 7, 14 Moore StreetCanberra ACT 2600


Information technology requirement development services for a Human Resource Management System Replacement Project.Risk management planning services for a Human Resource Management System Replacement Project.

Yes. The consultant has prepared a report. However, due to the commercial-in-confidence nature of the project and its current procurement status, the report has not been released.Yes. The consultant has prepared a report. However, due to the commercial-in-confidence nature of the project and its current procurement status, the report has not been released.

Piazza Consulting

Level 22, George St Sydney NSW


Develop and Conduct Retirement Intentions Survey.

Yes. Chief Minister's

Pricewaterhouse Coopers

Tower 2 201 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 1171


Salary Packaging Review/ Report.

Yes. Report available from the Industrial Relations & Public Sector Management Group, Chief Minister's Department.

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