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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 9 Hansard (26 August) . . Page.. 3183 ..

MR WOOD (continuing):

incorporates a set of principles around which public housing management strategies have been developed. The five principles aim to ensure that:

    stock is well located across the city and in areas with good access to public transport, employment, education and services;

    public housing contributes to the creation of sustainable communities through better integration with the existing neighbourhoods, the promotion of mixed ownership and the incorporation of high-quality design features;

    there will be sufficient flexibility of stock to respond to ongoing and emerging social housing needs, including provision for clients with special needs;

    the housing portfolio is maintained to agreed condition standards; and-finally and equally importantly-

    the public housing system is managed efficiently and cost-effectively, providing best value for the government and the taxpayer.

The rights of tenants to safe, appropriate and affordable housing underpins this document. The strategies incorporated emphasise increased quality of housing for tenants, resulting in more appropriate accommodation and reduced maintenance costs over the longer term.

Clearly, our social aims must at all times be balanced with a disciplined, business-like approach to the management of this very large property portfolio. The strategy provides this. At the same time, the principles and strategies must be viewed in the context of the government's broader strategy for the expansion of social housing in the ACT in a way that improves the range of housing choices available to ACT residents. I commend the strategy to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mrs Burke ) adjourned to the next sitting.

Subordinate legislation

Mr Wood presented the following papers:

Legislation Act, pursuant to section 64-

Chiropractors and Osteopaths Act-Chiropractors and Osteopaths (Fees) Determination 2003 (No 1)-Disallowable instrument DI2003-241 (LR, 30 July 2003).

Commissioner for the Environment Act-Commissioner for the Environment Determination 2003-Disallowable instrument DI2003-239 (LR, 28 July 2003).

Confiscation of Criminal Assets Act-Confiscation of Criminal Assets Regulations 2003-Subordinate Law SL2003-25 (LR, 14 August 2003).

Domestic Violence Agencies Act-

Domestic Violence-Appointment of Domestic Violence Project Coordinator 2003-Disallowable instrument DI2003-243 (LR, 7 August 2003).

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