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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 7 Hansard (25 June) . . Page.. 2475 ..

MS DUNDAS (continuing):

volunteers who have not been screened. What training is being provided to principals to help them cope with this important task and to enable them to make these decisions?


: Principals undergo a lot of professional development for the purpose of making decisions about the running of their schools. Principals were also consulted in the development of this policy. Principals are often confronted with decisions such as these. They are given the skills-which they often possess through many years of teaching-to make those sorts of decisions.

It is primarily about supervision within the school, rather than making judgments about people's characters. These are decisions principals would make on a regular basis. Certainly the view of the department, and those involved in putting the policy together, was that the principal is the best person to make those decisions.

Land sales


: Mr Speaker, my question to the Minister for Planning relates to the land auction on 11 June. Minister, as you are aware, this was a restricted land auction for which prospective bidders were required to be pre-qualified. Did the successful bidder complete the mandatory application forms? Did the Gungahlin Development Authority, for which you have ministerial responsibility, carry out due diligence procedures as regards the information that was submitted?


: Mr Speaker, I am advised that the successful bidder at the auction that Mr Stefaniak refers to met the same pre-qualification criteria as all the other bidders for that auction.


: Mr Speaker, I ask a supplementary question. I thank the minister for the answer, although he did not quite answer the question I asked. Minister, how then did a bidder who was unable to raise even the 10 per cent deposit, as required under the terms and conditions, enter the market?


: Mr Speaker, one of the requirements of the pre-qualification process is a letter from the bidder's financial institution confirming their capacity to pay. This bidder provided that. So on that basis they were pre-qualified-as is the process undertaken for all other bidders.

In relation to why they did not pay, I think I have given some outline to the Assembly in regard to that. As I understand it, the partnership arrangements that successful bidder had entered into collapsed following the bid. As a result of that, the authority has indicated to the bidder they must pay their full deposit by close of business on 27 June. If they do not, the $1 million that has been already paid will be forfeited to the territory and the land will be re-auctioned.

Mr Stanhope

: Mr Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the notice paper.

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