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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 7 Hansard (25 June) . . Page.. 2450 ..



He attached some correspondence from users and operators, which I will table in a minute, and continued:

I am not going to go on to anything else there, but he makes some very valid points. He makes reference to the Kaleen Indoor Recreation Centre. No doubt, you have been there, Mr Speaker. I know that the Chief Minister goes there; indeed, he is a member of the Bodyworks there. I have been there. I do not go to the Bodyworks there-I go to the one in Belconnen-but I have been to the swimming pool there with my two young children. I have been there to a number of functions and I have been there to a number of meetings. It is a bit of a rabbit warren, but quite an extensive complex.

I think that the comments that Mr Konstantinou makes and the comments that the people who have submitted letters make are quite valid. People do not have to go into the club. The club does not seem to interfere with the other activities; actually, it does seem to complement them.

Mr Quinlan mentioned bowling clubs. I think that they are another case of sporting facilities that probably would have trouble existing were it not-I can see him nodding his head-for access to some poker machines. They have a clubhouse, poker machines, kitchen facilities and two or three bowling greens. Some sporting clubs have ovals next to the them. West Belconnen is a classic case in point. The Tuggeranong rugby club at Erindale is another case in point, as is the Ainslie Football Club.

It may well be that legislation like this would have an adverse effect on any other club wanting to go down that particular path. I think that those factors are quite relevant.

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