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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 6 Hansard (19 June) . . Page.. 2198 ..

(1) In the response the Attorney General gave the budget figure for CSOs for 2001-02, what is the total figure for 2002-03;

(2) Labor committed to providing an additional $ 60,000 to CSOs in 2001, was an additional $60,000 placed in the Budget for this purpose, if so, please provide supporting documentation and advise where in the Budget this funding is allocated, if not, why not.

Mr Stanhope

: The answer to the member's question is as follows:

(1) The total budget allocated for CSOs for 2002-2003 is $ 301,350. In the 2003-04 budget, $326,565 has been allocated for CSO's. This represents an increase in funding of 8.4%.

(2) The Government has a strong commitment to alternative sentencing options and to providing adequate funding for CSOs. Upon review it was found that the annual average number of offenders on CSOs fell from 198 in 2000-2001 to 162 in 2001-2002, which constitutes a decrease in offender numbers of 18.2%.

For 2002-2003, a number similar to that in 2001-2002 is expected. The lower than anticipated number of offenders on CSOs meant that the projected increase in funding was not required at the time.

The Government is reviewing the situation on an ongoing basis and committed to adjusting funding for CSOs, in line with actual requirements. For 2003-2004, funding has been increased by 8.4%, in line with an anticipated increase in the number of offenders on CSOs. It should be noted, however, that variations in the number of offenders on CSOs are difficult to predict with precision.

Youth Legal Referral Service

(Question No 674)

Mr Stefaniak

asked the Attorney General, upon notice, on 7 May 2003:

In relation to the Youth Legal Services and further to your reply to Question on notice no 488:

(1) How many requests for assistance has the Youth Legal Referral Service received in its second month of operation;

(2) In what percentage of requests has the service been able to (a) assist, (b) not assist, (c) cases are still in progress;

(3) Are any of the issues discussed during this month different to those discussed in the first month (as indicated in the response to Question on notice no. 488) if so please provide details;

(4) How long will this pilot project run for.

Mr Stanhope

: The answer to the member's question is as follows:

(1) In its second month of operation, the Youth Legal Referral Service received 41 requests for assistance.

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