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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 6 Hansard (19 June) . . Page.. 2195 ..

(3) How many new buses were purchased as at 30 April this financial year;

(4) Are there plans to purchase any more buses before the end of the financial year;

(5) How many buses are scheduled for purchase in (a) 2003-04, (b) 2004-05 and (c) 2005-06;

(6) Where were any old buses, replaced with new ones, taken to and does the Government generate revenue from turning them in, if so, how much, if not, why not;

(7) How much of the bus replacement funding had been expended on ACTION's radio system as at 30 April this financial year;

(8) Why do the radio systems need replacing and how many more have to be replaced.

Mr Corbell

: The answer to the member's questions is as follows:

(1) This year's capital allocation is part of the overall funding of $17.2m provided over several years for replacement buses for ACTION. The formal bus acquisition process is nearing completion and only the cost of the initial processes have been expended. Also see answer below.

(2) $80k

(3) The new buses are yet to be formally purchased. The evaluation process for the replacement of buses has involved extensive studies to meet operational, legislative and environmental requirements. A select tender process was adopted for the replacement of the existing diesel buses with new CNG powered buses. Final contract negotiations are currently underway and a contract is expected to be signed in the near future.

(4) Orders are expected to be placed for 42 low floor, air-conditioned and CNG powered buses by the end of June 2003. Delivered will be on a progressive month-by-month basis, commencing in November 2003. The full financial year quantities to be delivered are as follows:

2005-2006 24

2005-2007 9

2005-2008 9


(5) An order will be placed for 42 buses with deliveries as stated above.

(6) Buses due for replacement will be disposed at the best available market price at time of disposal. The revenue expected from these sales have been factored into the bus replacement costings.

(7) No capital funds allocated for buses have been expended on the radio system. A separate allocation of funds for the radio system has been budgeted for capital expenditure of $1.5m. The expenditure to 30 April 2003 on the radio system was $133k.

(8) The existing radio system is technically at the end of its useful service life. The entire system will be replaced.

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