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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 5 Hansard (8 May) . . Page.. 1829 ..

It is not appropriate for me to provide details of Budget considerations at this time.

Spatial Plan

(Question No 584)

Mrs Dunne

asked the Minister for Planning the following questions, upon notice:

In relation to the Spatial Plan.

How much money was allocated to develop a Spatial Plan in the additional appropriations for the 2001-02 budget and the 2002-03 budget;

How much money has been expended to date on developing the Spatial Plan?

How much money has been expended on consultancies to date in developing the Spatial Plan?

Do you have an estimate of how much it will cost to develop the Spatial Plan in total, and, if so, what is it?

When will you be releasing the Spatial Plan?

When did you originally plan to release the Spatial Plan and has the development of the plan fallen behind schedule?

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member's question is as follows:

No specific funding was provided through the 01-02 additional appropriations, although funding provided for "planning initiatives"in the second appropriation enabled commencement of the project

In the 02-03 financial year $350K was funded for the project through additional appropriations.

Expenditure on the Spatial Plan in 01/ 02 - $182,539

Expenditure on the Spatial Plan and associated strategic planning

initiatives 02/ 03 - $472 326 (to 31 March 2003)*

* The cost incorporates surveys, consultations and associated work contributing to the wider Canberra Plan process as well as the adjusted program of strategic planning work post the January bushfires.

Spatial Plan 01/ 02 - $99,04

Spatial Plan 02/ 03 - $87 267 (to March 2003)

The estimated cost of the spatial planning and associated strategic planning work is $1,150,000.

The scheduled date for the Spatial Plan is December 2003.

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