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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 5 Hansard (8 May) . . Page.. 1730 ..

MR SMYTH (continuing):

Mr Speaker, looking at capital works, I am extremely conscious of the disruptions caused by the bushfires in January, and of course the impact the disaster has had on undertaking previously planned capital works and the availability of resources to undertake bushfire recovery work.

Nevertheless, it is important to consider the Treasurer's plans for capital works and to attempt an analysis of what has been proposed. As a general characterisation, it appears that much of the capital works program for 2003-2004 comprises relatively minor works. There are a number of new, big ticket projects but a major proportion of the spending will take place in the out years.

There are interesting developments with several projects-for example, the Mugga landfill project. This project appeared in 2002-2003, at a cost of $2.4 million. According to the December quarter 2002 capital works update, there has been no progress with this project, yet it is still valued at $2.4 million. In BP 3 for the 2003-2004 budget, we find that this project-now apparently valued at $1.6 million-has been deferred and retendered. At the same time, in the Treasurer's press release dealing with capital works, he says there will be $2.4 million to progress stage 2 of the construction of the new lined landfill cell at Mugga landfill.

A sizeable proportion of capital works has been rolled over. Of the more than $36 million being rolled over, the capital works program is still carrying works in progress from 2001-2002 of almost $14 million. This is an increase of almost $10 million in projects being rolled over, compared to the position in the 2002-2003 year.

I note that a large chunk of the capital works table is completed works-another filler. I am pleased to see so many of the projects I started now successfully completed.

Mr Speaker, in urban services, the general theme seems to be the continuing delays in completing capital works programs. For example, Horse Park Drive has been listed for completion in June 2004-not November 2003, as recently advised by the Minister for Urban Services.

The Gungahlin Drive extension is now listed for completion in June 2006-not June 2005, as stated in the previous year's budget. We remember the boast-"On time; on budget."

MR Corbell

: That's another lie.

MR SMYTH: "We will keep the commitment."Will it be the case that these projects are delayed past these forecast dates?


: Order!

MR Corbell

: It's another lie.

MR SMYTH: In the current budget, spending on municipal services will see fewer outcomes for increased expenditure. For example, spending on community path

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