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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 2 Hansard (6 March) . . Page.. 659 ..

MR QUINLAN: Okay. How does "double standards"go?

MR SPEAKER: Let us withdraw "hypocrite"first.

MR QUINLAN: I withdraw it.

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Cross, would you withdraw your reference to hypocrisy?

Mrs Cross: I withdraw the reference to hypocrisy. The sentiment remains.

MR SPEAKER: You have to withdraw it in an unqualified way, I am sorry to say.

Mrs Cross: I withdraw it, Mr Speaker.

MR QUINLAN: Today at question time, Mr Stefaniak, who has already been on his feet in mock outrage, referred to the hoary $344 million. He knows that is not true.

Mrs Dunne: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Quinlan, that is irrelevant.

Mrs Dunne: It is irrelevant. He is attempting to filibuster to take up time.

MR SPEAKER: I understand the point of order, and so does Mr Quinlan.

MR QUINLAN: Let me recall, Mr Speaker, that during the last Assembly the standard defence of Mrs Carnell and Mr Humphries, whenever they were under attack, was to draw in the name of a public servant or two.

MR SPEAKER: Order! With the time being 4.15 pm, the allotted time for this debate has expired.

Question put:

That the motion (Mr Smyth's ) be agreed to.

The Assembly divided-

         Ayes 7               			Noes 10

 Mrs Burke  	Mr Smyth  		Mr Berry  	Ms MacDonald
 Mr Cornwell  	Mr Stefaniak  		Mr Corbell  	Mr Quinlan
 Ms Dundas    				Mrs Cross  	Mr Stanhope
 Mrs Dunne     				Ms Gallagher  	Ms Tucker
 Mr Pratt     				Mr Hargreaves  	Mr Wood
Question so resolved in the negative.

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