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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 1 Hansard (20 February) . . Page.. 366 ..

Yes. Certain types of fireworks can. These are typically display fireworks that contain chlorate or perchlorate admixtures (flash powder, which is a more sensitive explosive than black powder). Based on packaging information and on information provided by the industry, the fireworks stored in WorkCover's depot are shopgoods fireworks. Shopgoods fireworks are not supposed to contain flash powder. In the random testing of shopgoods fireworks carried out to date in the ACT, none have been found to contain flash powder.

Fireworks that have been seized and assessed as having high explosive potential are stored in a different facility.

Is the Minister aware that under Regulation 19 of the Dangerous Goods Act, the licensee, which in the case of Mugga Lane is WorkCover, must take all precautions to prevent anyone entering the exclusion zone around the facility and the facility itself.

The requirements of Regulation 19 (Precautions to be observed in relation to premises) of the Dangerous Goods Regulations 1978 are:

19(e) take all practical precautions to prevent the occurrence on the premises of accidents through fire, explosion, leakage of dangerous goods or other causes;

19(f) take all practicable precautions to prevent persons from entering, except with the permission of the holder of the licence or the occupier of the premises, the premises and any depot or building on the premises, and from having access, except with that permission, to any dangerous goods in or on the premises; and

19(g) not do any act in or on the premises that may cause fire, explosion, or any other dangerous occurrence.

WorkCover has put in place a standard of security and safety which is higher than that required under the legislation.

Does the Minister believe that a solitary security guard at the facility is sufficient to comply with this Regulation.

Security is regularly assessed. No specific arrangements will be commented upon for security reasons.

When was the security guard installed and at what cost.

See (29).

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