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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 1 Hansard (20 February) . . Page.. 356 ..

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Review of 2001/02 Financial Statements - received September 2002



It was for internal InTACT use only.

Acumen Alliance - RAPS (Receipting and Payment System)



Internal use only.

ACT Gambling and Racing Commission

Risk Assessment on the Deployment of ACT Gambling and Racing Commission Inspection Staff at Casino Canberra



The Report was undertaken as part of the Commission's internal review of operational requirements and the need to multi-skill inspectorial staff to meet statutory responsibilities.

Attachment B

Portfolios: Economic Development, Business, Tourism, Sport and Recreation

What final reports of any consultancies, inquiries or similar activities have been received since 12 November 2001 by any of these portfolios, or by the departments or by the department or agencies falling within these portfolios.

Was a draft of the report received prior to receiving the final?

Where a draft report was received, was this draft tabled in the Legislative Assembly or otherwise promulgated prior to receiving the final?

If a draft was received but not promulgated, what was the reason for this decision?

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