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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 14 Hansard (12 December) . . Page.. 4489 ..


Mr Stanhope presented the following papers:

Indemnification of public services and statutory office holders-Answer to question without notice asked by Mrs Cross.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child-Answer to question without notice asked of Mr Corbell (Minister for Education, Youth and Family Services) by Ms Dundas and taken on notice on 21 November 2002.


Motion (by Mr Wood ) proposed:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.


MR QUINLAN (Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development, Business and Tourism, Minister for Sport, Racing and Gaming and Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Corrections) (9.35): On this last day of sitting I would like to register my best wishes to all members and good luck to all would-be senators.

Mr Humphries: We cannot all share that luck equally.

MR QUINLAN: No. I leave you with appropriate mottos for 2003. For Mr Jon Stanhope I believe the motto would be: "Brevity is the soul of wit, except at question time."

With Mr Smyth, I would like to be deeper and use an unfractured proverb, which goes: "There is no good accord where every man would be a lord.

For Ms Cross, it would be a rather brief motto: "If you can't join 'em, beat 'em."

For Ms Tucker, I would suggest for 2003: "It is actually quite easy being green. You don't have to find the money."

For Ms Dundas: "A woman's advice is no great thing, but he who would not take it is a fool."

For Mr Humphries: "Don't count your chickens until the exhaustive ballot is completed."

For Mr Corbell: "The best laid plans of mice and men still need an independent planning authority."

For Mr Wood: "Art has no enemy but ignorance or"-hold it-"no enemy but lack of funding."

For Mrs Dunne: "Do unto others as you know they will bloody well do unto you."

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