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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 14 Hansard (11 December) . . Page.. 4317 ..

MR HARGREAVES: I am not in the least feeling guilty. I will say it again. If you want me to withdraw the fact that I said the shadow Minister for Planning was Mrs Jelly, I will withdraw saying that the shadow Minister for Planning was Mrs Jelly.

MR SPEAKER: Order! You will withdraw it.

MR HARGREAVES: I have withdrawn that I said that there was a Mrs Jelly. I have done that, Mr Speaker.

Mr Smyth: Mr Speaker, I rise to a point of order. That is not the form we use when we withdraw. We do not repeat these things. That is unacceptable behaviour.

MR HARGREAVES: I withdraw that unequivocally, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

Mr Cornwell: May I have a neck rest on the chairs, please, Mr Speaker?

MR HARGREAVES: You may indeed go to sleep, Mr Cornwell, yet again. I would like to make the point that the opposition is fixated on the airport. If my memory serves me correctly, and it usually does, Mr Corbell talked about land release, the role of the NCA and the territory planning authorities, employment opportunities in the town centres, trying to prevent suburbs becoming dormitory suburbs, the evolution of people moving to town centres to be closer to their workplaces, and the implications for places like Fern Hill Park if the airport gets special treatment under the NCA changes.

Do we hear anything about that? No. I have to express disappointment at hearing one of the members from Brindabella extolling the virtues of the Campbell Park tenants moving to the Brindabella Business Park as he knows full well that hundreds, maybe even a thousand or so, of the people who work there do not have to work there in this electronic age and could just as easily be located in a building in his own electorate.

Mr Smyth: Who said that?

MR HARGREAVES: Mr Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition was congratulating the airport on having activities out at the airport not related to the aviation industry. He was saying that it is a great idea to diversify, to quarantine it against the drought, all that sort of wonderful phraseology. The fact is that what he was saying is that it is okay to take those jobs from Campbell Park because the building there is about to fall down and put them at the airport, not in his own electorate.

We could do with that employment. I have to say that I am disappointed that the Leader of the Opposition and member for Brindabella is quite happy to give preference to putting jobs at the airport rather than in his own electorate. Good on you, son!

Mr Smyth: Where were you when ACTTAB went to Gungahlin? Why didn't it go to Brindabella? Missing in action again.

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