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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 14 Hansard (11 December) . . Page.. 4270 ..

When I was elected as Leader of the Opposition, I indicated that it was time for the Liberal Party to take a new, constructive approach to the important task of opposition. That does not mean that we are not going to be critical of government. It means that our focus will be on what is in the best interests of the community. We will not criticise for criticism's sake, but will always look for ways to make up for the government's inadequacies.

In doing so, the inadequacies of the government and its ministers will be exposed, but the goal will be better outcomes for the people of Canberra. The goal will be better health outcomes, better education outcomes, better financial outcomes, better social outcomes, better planning outcomes and, overall, a better Canberra community.

The Chief Minister has presented a health action plan 2002 which, nobody can deny, provides a set of lofty values. These values include wellness, patient/consumer/carer focus, equity, collaboration, excellence and honesty. Like so much of this government's work, the plan does not have the potential to adequately turn those ideals into reality.

The Chief Minister, in his capacity as Health Minister, has failed to drive, ask or demand of his public servants a set of measurable outcomes. Who knows the reason why? We know from our experience that the public servants are more than capable and would have provided these outcomes if only asked.

The Chief Minister has a whole department to focus on these issues. We know from his statements when he came into government that he thinks, and I quote him, "Being leader of the government is easier than being leader of the opposition,"because he has thousands of public servants to do his bidding.

This plan is inadequate. It lacks openness and honesty about what is really achievable. But it exposes the attitude of this Chief Minister. It may well illustrate why ACT departments wallow under his leadership. Mr Deputy Speaker, if you do not want departments to wallow, you have to give clear guidelines, you have to request, you have to make demands, and you have to set demanding but realistic goals.

With regard to this action plan 2002, it is clear that this minister has done none of these things. We have a plan that makes all the right noises-well, most of the right noises. We have a plan that has been through extensive community consultation. Unlike the Chief Minister's press release that claimed I did not attend any of the public meetings, I certainly went to the two forums at the convention centre and the launch earlier this month or late last month, whatever the date was.

But we have a plan which cannot be evaluated, cannot be measured and cannot be tested and which would seem to cost in the order of a $1 billion by the figures used by the minister yesterday and today. Ironically, the plan sets a test on page 14, where it deals with honesty and accountability, yet it barely stands up to the standard that it has set itself. Under "Honesty", the plan says:

Our health and community care system will encourage honesty. We will admit mistakes and welcome constructive feedback.

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