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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 14 Hansard (10 December) . . Page.. 4180 ..

MS DUNDAS (continuing):

Our chief planning executive will be central in developing a long-term vision for the future of Canberra's planning system and will need to be not just a good public servant but also a community leader capable of communicating with the people of Canberra and capable of addressing their concerns.

The government will be able to keep these expanded qualifications in mind when they are searching for the best chief planning executive. The successful implementation of this bill and the effectiveness of the Planning and Land Authority will result from the direction of the chief planning executive. We support this amendment and hope that this broadened definition will lead to the appointment of a good chief planning executive.

MRS DUNNE (9.46): The Liberal opposition will also be supporting this amendment. As previous speakers have indicated, it goes some way to ensuring that the person who takes on this very onerous task is appropriately qualified not just materially and formally but in a broad range of expertise. This is consistent with the recommendation of the Planning and Environment Committee report and takes up the recommendations of many of the interest groups.

It is the view of the Liberal opposition that the search for the chief planning executive should be a wide one. It should canvass international candidates, because it is our view that the calibre of the chief planning executive will go most of the way to determining the calibre and the effectiveness of the Planning and Land Authority.

If we are to go down this path and deliver what the government says it will deliver in the fast turnaround of development applications, fewer disputes, more mediation and fewer costs to people, we have to have a chief planning executive of the highest calibre who will lead this organisation into a new era. Without that, very little will change.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 18, as amended, agreed to.

Clauses 19 and 20, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Clause 21.

MR CORBELL (Minister for Education, Youth and Family Services, Minister for Planning and Minister for Industrial Relations) (9.48): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move amendments Nos 12 and 13 circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.

MR CORBELL: I move amendments Nos 12 and 13 [see schedule 6 at page 4192].

These amendments are relatively straightforward. They amend from seven to six the number of sitting days within which the Assembly may resolve to require the executive to end the appointment of the chief planning executive and amend from seven to six sitting days the period after which the chief planning executive's suspension ends if the Assembly has not resolved to require the executive to end the chief planning executive's appointment.

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