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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 13 Hansard (21 November) . . Page.. 3989 ..

1.2.3 The consultant will be required to prepare a discussion paper to support consultation with ACT Government agencies and instrumentalities on options for changing the current methodology. The paper will assist interested parties to understand premium devolution models, the influence of claims management performance on the outcomes of devolution processes, and the likely consequences of various options for altering the current methodology.

1.2.4 The discussion paper should provide a concise summary of the arrangements for the setting of the ACT premium pool and its performance since 1989, the main features of the current model for devolving the pool and the history of its adoption. The paper should analyse the outcomes of the current model including any unintended effects of its application and identify the issues which are raised by the methodology.

1.2.5 The discussion paper should provide relevant comparative information on methodologies used in other schemes and the Commonwealth, identify the principal features of devolution models and discuss their impact on calculating devolved premiums. The discussion paper should develop a statement of proposed principles which could underpin the ACT's devolution model, propose options for modifying the current devolution methodology, and discuss the impacts, advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Stage 2: Preparation of Report and Recommendations

1.2.6 The consultant will be required to prepare a report for the consideration of the ACT Government which summarises the issues raised in the discussion paper, the advantages and disadvantages of the identified options, the views of agencies and instrumentalities, and provides recommendations for:

� a statement of general principles to guide the devolution of premiums to agencies and instrumentalities;

� a preferred option and a ranking of further options which is based on the principles and which would result in the setting of premium rates responsive to trends in claims performance without excessive volatility;

� guidelines for second-tier devolution methodologies.




(Established during 2000-2001)

Agency name: Chief Minister's Department

Name of inquiry / report / review / committee / taskforce:

Moving Forward - Service and Renewal

Established: September 2000

Cost: $225,551

Terms of Reference / Guidelines:

Stage 1: Scan of Senior Executive perceptions

Stage 2: Review of ACT Government people systems

Stage 3: Two-day Strategic Public Administration Workshop

Stage 4: Development and implementation of the strategy "Moving Forward - Service & Renewal", including the Review of the Public Sector Management Act 1994

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