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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 13 Hansard (19 November) . . Page.. 3688 ..

MRS CROSS (continuing):

Mr Humphries saw me as an obstacle to his ambition to obtain a Senate seat. Little did the voters know at the last election that what they were supporting was a group of people blinkered by their own ambitions. The truth is that my days were numbered-

Mrs Dunne: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I understand that Mrs Cross sought leave to make a statement. At the moment she is making reflections on a member-the sorts of reflections which are usually the subject of a substantive motion.

MR SPEAKER: In particular?

Mrs Dunne: A censure motion.

MR SPEAKER: No, I mean what particular statements?

Mrs Dunne: The ones that Mr Humphries pursued, that Mr Humphries has brought dishonour on his position-a whole range of statements like that, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: I am happy to review the Hansard and search out-

Mrs Dunne: I would seek your guidance on whether or not it is appropriate to make statements that reflect on a member when there is no substantive motion before the Assembly. The statements that Mrs Cross is making go to the character of a member of this place, and the normal way of addressing that is through a substantive motion.

MR SPEAKER: If there are specific words that Mrs Cross has used that you want struck out, if you raise them-

Mrs Dunne: Well, actually, so far almost everything I have heard falls into that category.

MR SPEAKER: I am certainly not going to strike Mrs Cross' speech out.

Mrs Dunne: Well could I ask you to give Mrs Cross some direction about what is appropriate.

MR SPEAKER: The Assembly has given leave for her to speak.

Mrs Dunne: Yes, to make a statement.

MR SPEAKER: She has as long as she likes to make the statement by leave of the Assembly. If you have specific words that you want to raise in the context of the standing orders, I am happy to rule on them.

Mrs Dunne: I will, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: But you will have to raise them with me. I can't generally strike down a speech because it is critical of a particular person.

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