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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 12 Hansard (12 November) . . Page.. 3451 ..
MR STANHOPE (continuing):
the future. He thinks an additional $27 million is not a major issue, a big-picture issue-an issue that will change significantly the potential of so many Canberrans in the future-a $27 million investment over and above anything that you ever delivered. I am hoping that there will be time for Mr Corbell to go into greater detail on that.
These are significant structural changes which have been achieved by this government. You dismiss as just a bagatelle the work we have done in relation to health. We have had a complete look at and review of the way in which health services are delivered in the ACT.
Mr Smyth: A 40-page review; a complete review. "We have completed the review!"
MR STANHOPE: It has been implemented! It is done-it is there. We worked fast. We work too quickly for you, because we now have you complaining that you cannot keep up-the pace is too fast.
You do not have the capacity to keep pace with the government-we are working too fast. You say there is too much paper circulating-that there are too many reviews-and too much consultancy. What you are admitting is that you do not have the stamina or the interest to keep pace with what the government is doing. We can reflect on that as we look at a year of Labor Party achievements-and, of course, take some time to reflect on Liberal Party achievements over the last year. It is moot that we should do that at this time.
The Labor Party today has issued details of the promises and commitments we have made and met. You have those available to you, and they are very significant. We have heard not a whisper from the Liberal Party about its achievements-there is not a single policy on the table. Where are your policies? What thinking are you doing? What is your vision for the ACT? What are you going to do to repair the damage you have done to yourself, and to the ACT, in the time you have been in opposition?
Mr Smyth: On a point of order, Mr Speaker, as to relevance: I believe the motion is to discuss the ACT Labor government's broken promises. I do not see the words "Liberal Party"in that. I know it is his standard defence. When he has nothing to say, he attacks us. It is just confirmation of their poor outcome.
Mr Quinlan: Excuse me-that is not a point of order.
Mr Smyth: Perhaps he could get to the motion. I am sorry I have stung Mr Quinlan into action. Again, it is Mr Stanhope's standard defence. When he has nothing to say on behalf of his own party, he attacks us.
MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Smyth! Resume your seat. Firstly, there is not a motion before the place. Secondly, I am sure the Chief Minister understands the relevance rules. The letter I received attempts to draw attention to the ACT Labor government's broken promises after a year in office. I am sure the Chief Minister is entitled, therefore, to draw attention to the ones he has kept.
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