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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 9 Hansard (21 August) . . Page.. 2779 ..

13. Provide details of any social activity programs available by Rainbow to its consumers

The program changes each month. The programs have included: Table tennis, pool, scrabble, tai chi, mural painting, garden workshops, art workshops, guitar for beginners, video night, walking group, movie appreciation, therapeutic laughter, weekend away to Eden, chess, sewing, calligraphy, yoga, trivia, quiz competition, bowling, zoo excursion, pottery, sewing, jewellery making, cooking, members participating in administration and other facility operations.

14. Provide details of protocols for psycho/social rehabilitation of its consumers.

The Rainbow provides psycho/social rehabilitation of consumers by meeting its contractual obligations, ie:

1) Promote positive images of people with Mental Illness.

2) Provide a facility that promotes the social and emotional wellbeing of people with a mental illness from a diverse range of backgrounds.

3) Enhance the vocational skills of people with a mental illness through the provision of vocationally orientated programs within the facility.

4) Provide access to a facility that is based upon the principles of openness, friendliness and self-management.

5) Provide a facility that is accessible and inclusive of a diverse range of people with a mental illness. Accessibility is increased through the identification of barriers for consumers and the implementation of strategies to improve access.

15. What mental health model is used to assess Rainbow's mental health consumers?

The Rainbow is a non-clinical environment and therefore the staff do not make any formal mental health assessments. Many Rainbow participants are involved with clinical services, and the staff facilitate contact where required.

16. Has (i) an independent or (ii) staff evaluation been carried out on the services provided by Rainbow to its consumers?

An ongoing process of evaluation of programs and services provided by The Rainbow is carried out by staff in conjunction with members in order to meet the needs of the members. An overall evaluation by an independent body is due to be carried out before end of contract in June 2003.

17. Are any of the staff trained in First Aid?

Two of the four staff hold a current St John's Senior First Aid Certificate. At least one staff member trained in first aid is present in the workplace at any time.

18. Are any of the staff trained in the taking of non-medical case histories of its consumers?

The Rainbow staff do not take case histories of individuals, as it is not a clinical service.

19. Provide a copy of a model case history form?


20. What protocols are in place for staff in the case of an emergency?

All staff are provided with duress alarms that are to be worn around the neck. These alarms are linked to the local police station and the Crisis Assessment Treatment Team. There are emergency evacuation procedures for the building as directed by

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