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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 9 Hansard (20 August) . . Page.. 2464 ..

MR CORBELL (continuing):

Variation 189 was submitted to the executive in March 2002. It was referred to the Standing Committee on Planning and Environment in March 2002. The committee considered the draft variation, and in its report No 5 of August 2002 endorsed the variation.

The committee, however, made three other recommendations. The committee recommended that the ACT government ensure that future developments follow the more desirable process of dealing with the detailed land use issues at an early stage in the development of a proposal.

Mr Speaker, the government accepts the thrust of the committee's recommendation and acknowledges the desirability of resolving land use issues at an early stage in the development of a proposal. In the case of this particular development, though, I should point out that the process commenced under the previous government and had already reached an advanced stage when the current government came to power.

The committee also recommended that permitted uses of the triangle of land immediately to the east of the proposed new Griffin Centre be amended to include community use. The government notes that the existing land use policy for this area-commercial B Civic precinct d-already permits community use.

The committee recommended also that PALM put in place a framework to formalise the involvement of the community sector, particularly the current tenants of the Griffin Centre and the youth centre and users of the skateboard park, in the detailed development of the plans for the new community facilities on site.

The government agrees with this recommendation and notes that there has already been substantial consultation with community management organisations on these facilities. Nonetheless, through the production of detailed development plans for the new Griffin Centre, youth centre and skateboard park, there will be additional liaison and consultation with community management organisations and representatives of users and tenants of those facilities.

Mr Speaker, I move to the other two variations that I have tabled today. Variation No 182 to the Territory Plan proposes to vary the Territory Plan map by adding the public land nature reserve (Pc) overlay to the areas of yellow box/red gum grassy woodland located in the vicinity of Tuggeranong Hill, Mount Majura and Mulligans Flat-the existing land use policies for these sites is also changed to hills, ridges and buffer areas, as this policy is more consistent with nature conservation objectives-and the Aranda snow gums site at block 1399 Belconnen.

Although the site is territory land, it is a designated area and therefore subject to the National Capital Plan. This means there is no change to the underlying designated area status presently shown on the Territory Plan map. However, this does not prevent the public land overlay from being applied to the site.

This variation responds to a recommendation from the Conservator of Flora and Fauna to include several areas of yellow box/red gum grassy woodland and the Aranda snow gum site in public land as nature reserves.

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