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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 8 Hansard (26 June) . . Page.. 2290 ..

Mr Cornwell: Modest!

MS MacDONALD: That is right. There is no place for modesty in this place. The Chifley residents, and thousands of Canberrans who are committed to waste reduction, would not see the bio-bin trial as a waste of time, Mrs Dunne. Nor would debate on what budget initiatives Brindabella residents are receiving be seen as unimportant to the residents of Brindabella.

I would remind Ms Dundas, the Member for Ginninderra, that the people of Brindabella have a right to know what is in this budget for them and how they will be affected. The Stanhope government was given strong endorsement by the people of Brindabella, Mr Speaker, and their faith has been warranted.

Important and vital spending initiatives in health and education will be of tremendous assistance to the Brindabella community. Immediately upon our election, the Labor government injected millions of dollars into the Canberra Hospital, which services Brindabella and the bulk of the Canberra community. The opposition has spent 24 hours bleating that it is not enough. Why didn't you do something about it when you were in government?

Last week I had the privilege of announcing the first $1 million for the Downer to Woden on-road cycle lanes. These cycle lanes will be completed by this time next year and provide Tuggeranong and Woden cyclists with the fastest and most direct route into Civic.

Of course, people living on the north side already have the fastest and most direct route south. There were close to a dozen Pedal Power members at the announcement, one of whom said to me, "This is a brilliant announcement. This initiative will change cycling in Canberra forever and give commuters a real choice in getting around." I could not have put it better myself. The Drakeford Drive duplication will make driving easier and will be completed within a year-immediate action following the election.

Nothing is more important to the mums and dads of Brindabella than giving the best health care and education to their young families. This government will spend $27 million more on education than any government in the history of self-government. In the young and growing suburbs of Canberra's south, this will mean that better facilities will be built and current facilities will be upgraded.

Fifty-five new teachers in the ACT will lower class sizes-another Labor promise delivered. The laptops for teachers program will deliver better-resourced and more capable teachers. Tuggeranong valley, often dubbed "nappy valley" for its large number of young families with kids, has been presented with an education package that begins to address its needs.

Older Brindabella residents have not been forgotten. My suburb of Chifley-as well as Pearce and Torrens-has a slightly older than average age than Brindabella. I am therefore acutely aware of the need to provide extra services and infrastructure for our senior citizens. Older Canberrans, along with disabled people and pensioners, are the most vulnerable members of our society. The Labor government is addressing their

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