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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 8 Hansard (25 June) . . Page.. 2205 ..

MR QUINLAN (continuing):

The government has already started on this priority area, with $1.83 million provided per annum for the implementation of a number of planning initiatives, including the establishment of an independent planning authority, community advisory panels, a secretariat for all neighbourhood planning groups, master planning programs for neighbourhood plans and local centres, and the establishment of a planning appeals commission to replace the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

This budget provides a further $350,000 for the development of the strategic planning framework and the strategic spatial plan. The plan will inform other decision-making processes by setting a vision for the next 25 to 30 years based on community expectations and concerns. It will be a flexible working document with a built-in review process, integrating other strategies of government, including economic and social plans.

From 2002-03, land development will occur through a mixed program of full government development and public/private partnerships. In the early years there will also be a program of selling some estates with a higher level of planning for private sector development.

Community engagement and safety

Mr Speaker, this government is committed to promote Canberra as a safe place to live and work.

This government promised 20 new police in the territory. This budget provides funding to achieve that goal. The government has also acted quickly to address the urgent need for improvement in remand facilities. The Periodic Detention Centre will be upgraded to a temporary remand facility, and additional custodial and program delivery staff will be employed to operate the upgraded facility. An additional 30 beds for remandees will be provided. Additional funding of $7.1 million will be provided to achieve this long overdue improvement. It says in the speech that it will be four years. I expect the period to be a lot shorter.

Mr Speaker, this government has a strong commitment to cultural diversity. Language skills and cultural understanding are particularly important in helping people from diverse backgrounds become contributing members of the community. This government is providing $208,000 over four years for a new grant program to assist in the operation of community language schools in the ACT. We will also provide $416,000 over four years in grants to support multicultural community broadcasters and community radio stations to provide programs of interest in community languages.

Mr Speaker, this government is eager to foster a vibrant, diverse community with high rates of community participation. Central to this will be our commitment to supporting the arts.

This will be a welcome budget for the arts in the territory. This budget restores the $800,000 funding to the National Institute of the Arts that was slashed by the previous government. This will provide for a wide range of services to the community, including music education programs in primary and secondary schools and colleges. It will provide support for professional orchestral programs and art and new media activities in public places.

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