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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 7 Hansard (6 June) . . Page.. 2145 ..

In 2001 an EOI process was conducted to identify the most suitable technologies for the future reprocessing of domestic collected wastes in the Territory. A panel of experts was engaged to technically evaluate the EOIs. The viability and the costs of the various technologies and reprocessing options offered in the EOI process has been documented by the panel of experts and ACT NOWaste.

The ACT Government platform commits to a review of the objectives of the "No Waste by 2010" strategy to ensure they meet standards of environmental, social and financial sustainability. The platform further commits to ensure that a revised plan is vigorously implemented and annual progress reports are provided. The platform commits to a series of policies and programs related to waste management, under the area of Sustainability and the Environment.

The Review should be conducted in the context of the above documentation.

Project Aim

The overall aim of the project is to provide a report on the economic, environmental and social outcomes of the No Waste Strategy. The review is not an analysis of the technological feasibility of achieving the No Waste Strategy. As a basis for the report an analysis of the economic, environmental and social costs and benefits of not moving towards No Waste should be compared with the economic, environmental and social costs and benefits of achieving the No Waste target.

In the comparison, consideration needs to be given to options ranging from "no new projects implemented" through to a comprehensive commitment to achieving No Waste by 2010. Consideration also needs to be given to the social acceptability of not implementing new programs and the achievement of the No Waste target. The anticipated full costs associated with achieving No Waste need to be clearly detailed in the report.

Project Scope

The consultant is to conduct an analysis of the economic, environmental and social costs and benefits of achieving the No Waste target. The review is not intended to be a review of the technological feasibility of achieving the No Waste Strategy but rather a comparison of the costs and benefits of achieving the No Waste target against not moving towards no waste.

The consultant is to conduct a literature review of documents relevant to the No Waste by 2010 Strategy including:

1. The No Waste by 2010 Strategy document

2. The Commissioner for the Environment's report on implementation of the No Waste Strategy.

3. The Next Step

4. The Actual Costs of Waste Disposal in the ACT

5. The Waste Pricing Strategy for the ACT

6. Documentation relating to the EOI process

7. ACT Government Platform

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