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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 7 Hansard (6 June) . . Page.. 2142 ..

Research indicates that the majority of litter is made up of cigarette butts/packets, confectionery wrappers and small bits of paper. CDL doesn't make provision for these other materials.

Some of the issues to consider in relation to the introduction of CDL for the ACT, include:

The initial costs and other practical considerations of implementing legislation in the ACT

The cost of establishing appropriate infrastructure to collect and sort the materials. The cost to the wider ACT community of implementing CDL.

Ongoing administrative costs of operating a CDL system in the ACT.

Cross border issues of a CDL system considering the ACT is a 'landlocked island' within NSW.

Potential impact of CDL on the existing kerbside and litter management programs.

Potential role of and/or impacts to existing waste management and recycling infrastructure.

The unique demographics of the ACT and the possible impact of this in relation to the community's willingness to use a CDL system.

Potential benefits to the ACT of a CDL system.

The practical feasibility of implementing a CDL system in the ACT.

The effectiveness of a CDL system in the ACT context.

As a basis for considering the cost of implementing CDL in the ACT, previous relevant literature on CDL should be referenced.

Project Scope

The overall aim of the project is to provide a report on the potential costs and benefits of implementing a CDL system in the ACT. The report will assist with policy decision making for the ACT in both a local and a national framework. It is expected that the project will be principally a desktop study. Careful consideration needs to be given to the ACT context.


The consultant is to provide a quote by 2.00 pm Wednesday 22 May 2002. The quote should be emailed to or can be delivered to Margaret Nicholson, Level 8, 12 Wattle Street Lyneham (PO Box 788 Civic Square ACT 2608).

ACT NOWaste has a limited budget for this project and does not anticipate spending more than $15 000 dollars to complete the study. As the study is to be primarily a desktop review it is expected that this budget will be sufficient.

The consultant should provide detail on the resources applied to the project, including anticipated hours dedicated to the project and a clear timeframe to meet the project deadline. The quote is to be provided as a lump sum but should clearly detail staff costing for any additional work required.

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