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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 6 Hansard (16 May) . . Page.. 1687 ..

Thursday, 16 May 2002

The Assembly met at 10.30 am.

(Quorum formed.)

MR SPEAKER (Mr Berry) took the chair and asked members to stand in silence and pray or reflect on their responsibilities to the people of the Australian Capital Territory.


The following petition was lodged for presentation, by Mr Stanhope, from 24 residents.


To the Legislative Assembly of the Australian Capital Territory. We the undersigned petitioners support the continued retail trade of fireworks in the Australian Capital Territory and request that the Legislative Assembly amend the Dangerous Goods Act to ensure the safe and continued retail trade of fireworks in the ACT.

The Clerk having announced that the terms of the petition would be recorded in Hansard and a copy referred to the appropriate minister, the petition was received.

Duties (Insurance Exemptions) Amendment Bill 2002

Mr Quinlan , pursuant to notice, presented the bill and its explanatory memorandum.

Title read by Clerk.

MR QUINLAN (Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development, Business and Tourism, Minister for Sport, Racing and Gaming and Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Corrections) (10.34): I move:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

Mr Speaker, there are growing concerns that insurance companies are either charging inflated premiums or declining to provide public liability cover even for low-risk activities for bodies with proven no-claim records. Small events that traditionally raise funds for community projects or local charities are being cancelled because they cannot find adequate public liability insurance.

Members may be aware that Treasury is working with various forums at national level to assess the reasons for the large premium increases and the extent of the lack of availability of public liability insurance, particularly for small sporting and community groups. These global issues are outside the scope of this bill, and solutions are being sought in cooperation with other jurisdictions.

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