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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 5 Hansard (9 May) . . Page.. 1492 ..

Seniors-free travel

(Question No 145)

Mr Cornwell asked the Minister for Planning, upon notice, on 11 April 2002:

In relation to the free travel for ACT seniors during the recent Seniors Week:

1. Approximately how many pensioners travelled free during this week.

2. Approximately how much revenue was foregone by ACTION as a result.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member's question is as follows:

1. Based on analysis of daily patronage figures for the weeks preceding and following Seniors Week, approximately 7,500 seniors took advantage of the free travel arrangements during the week. This is a substantial increase over last year, when it was estimated that a total of 5,000 seniors travelled free during the whole week.

2. ACTION would have foregone fare revenue of approximately $12,000 for the week.

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