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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 5 Hansard (7 May) . . Page.. 1188 ..

MRS CROSS (continuing):

Finally, proposed subsection 23 (2) would apply to all of the characteristics listed in section 7 of the act, not just to potential pregnancy.

In consultation with parliamentary counsel, I have rejected replacing "potential pregnancy" with "potential parenthood". I have done so for two reasons. Firstly, it would be extremely difficult to find a workable and sensible definition for "potential parenthood". Secondly, it would be addressing a problem that essentially does not exist. Therefore, adding "potential pregnancy" to the act is an appropriate response.

The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission has extensively researched this matter over a number of years and recommended that potential pregnancy should be added to the discrimination law of all Australian jurisdictions.

I disagree that proposed subsection 23 (2) is not needed to achieve the policy objective. As noted in my response to the second point, this new subsection would apply to all of the characteristics listed in section 7. Therefore, the act is considerably strengthened by the inclusion of subsection 23 (2).

Having considered the committee's comments, and after consultation with parliamentary counsel, I believe the bill is sensible and workable as it currently stands. After receiving the scrutiny report, I had intended to delay passage of the bill but now believe this is no longer necessary. I will speak with members individually today and seek to explain any outstanding issues they may have, but I wish to indicate my interest and my intention to bring the bill forward for consideration in private members business tomorrow.

I seek leave to table my response to Scrutiny Report No 8.

Leave granted.

MRS CROSS: I present the following paper:

Response to Scrutiny Report No 8 by Helen Cross MLA, dated 7 May 2002.

Planning and Environment-Standing Committee

Report No 3

MRS DUNNE (10.40): Mr Speaker, I present the following report:

Planning and Environment-Standing Committee-Report No 3-Draft Variation No 119 to the Territory Plan-Heritage Places Register-Aboriginal Places in Symonston and the District of Majura, dated 3 May 2002, together with a copy of extracts from the relevant minutes of proceedings.

The report was circulated to members out of session on 3 May 2002. I move:

That the report be noted.

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