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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 4 Hansard (11 April) . . Page.. 1170 ..

Glebe Park food court site

(Question No 111)

Ms Tucker asked the Minister for Planning, upon notice:

In relation to the old Glebe Park Food Court site, Block 19 Section 65 City:

(1) Who currently holds the lease for this site.

(2) Why isn't the open space section of the block that is part of Glebe Park not being maintained to the standard of the rest of Glebe Park.

(3) What action has the Government taken to ensure that the site is maintained to the same standard as the rest of Glebe Park.

(4) What plans is the Government aware of for redevelopment of this site, and what is its response to these plans.

(5) Why has a section of the site containing a stand of trees been surrounded by temporary fencing.

(6) Did the Government give authority to fencing off these trees and (a) if so, what were the reasons why this fencing was approved or (b) if not, does the Government approve of this fencing.

(7) Has the Government received any application to cut down these trees, and if so, has this application been approved.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member's questions is as follows:

(1) The lessee of this block is Glebe Park Pty Ltd (Volume 1255 folio 92).

(2) There is a responsibility for the lessee to maintain the open space section of Block 19 as a park. The current lessee has neglected their responsibility to satisfactorily maintain the public park area.

(3) Following discussions, PALM wrote to the lessee in January 2002 requesting they meet their maintenance responsibilities. The lessee has fenced the area including where the pine trees are located and has requested an arborist's report on the condition of all trees. The fence will be removed once remediation is completed.

(4)The lessee of the block submitted a Site Analysis and Design Concept Report for residential accommodation in four linked buildings ranging in height from 17 to 4 stories. The proposal was considered to be inconsistent with the Territory Plan provisions for this precinct and the lessee has been advised.

(5) One of the mature pine trees recently fell causing damage to a seat and fencing. The area has been fenced with public access restricted for safety reasons as a precaution until the status of other trees in the area is known.

(6) The Government did not approve fencing the area. The lessee's agent carried out the work in the interest of public safety and it is development exempt from requiring approval by Land Act Regulations given it is work carried out to protect the health or safety of the public.

(7) Environment ACT, who administer the Tree Protection (Interim Scheme) Act 2001, has not received an application for any tree damaging activity on Block 19.

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