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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 3 Hansard (5 March) . . Page.. 561 ..
MRS CROSS (continuing):
Mr Speaker, I want briefly to set the record straight. I want to say that, yes, before the election I was the president of the Phillip Traders Association and since becoming a member I have resigned. I also want to say that my involvement since becoming a member has centred on finding the truth of what happened regarding the Callam Street realignment, which is hardly what Mr Corbell described as political gain. I have also phoned Mr Corbell's office several times today seeking a brief meeting with him to discuss this issue.
MR SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Cross, resume your seat. The standing orders are pretty clear on personal explanations. Standing order 46 says:
Having obtained leave from the Chair, a Member may explain matters of a personal nature, although there is no question before the Assembly; but such matters may not be debated.
Those final words are the key to this. If you want to stick to the personal nature of this you can continue, otherwise you will have to sit down.
MRS CROSS: Yes, I am, Mr Speaker. There were two comments made: one was regarding my role with the Phillip Traders; the other was my approach on this matter and political gain. What I am attempting to say is that I have tried to use amicable means to find a resolution to this issue with the minister's office, and I was simply setting the record straight.
Mr Stanhope: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: this is not a personal explanation.
MR SPEAKER: Resume your seat. I think the Chief Minister has a valid point. I think you have crossed the boundaries, Mrs Cross.
Mr Stanhope presented the following paper:
Aged Care Assessment Team-Answer to a question without notice asked by Mr Cornwell on 19 February 2002.
Public Sector Management Act-executive contracts
Papers and statement by minister
MR STANHOPE (Chief Minister, Attorney-General, Minister for Health, Minister for Community Affairs and Minister for Women): Mr Speaker, for the information of members, I present the following papers:
Public Sector Management Act, pursuant to sections 31A and 79-Copies of executive contracts or instruments-
Long term contract:
Dorte Ekelund, dated 3 February 2002
Short term contract:
Gail Winkworth, dated 18 February 2002
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