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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 1 Hansard (11 December) . . Page.. 85 ..

MR STANHOPE (continuing):

carefully evaluate the impact of the additional funding to ensure that waiting lists are reduced and there is improved access to dental services, particularly for the disadvantaged in our community.

Improving access to after-hours primary medical care in the ACT is a priority issue for the new government. Consumers, at times, find it difficult to access after-hours care from the most appropriate providers and do not always receive the most appropriate care. Hospital emergency departments are also under pressure from high levels of people presenting with less serious illnesses or injuries. It is likely that a substantial number of these people could receive more appropriate care in a primary care setting if they could access it.

The issues are complex and it will take time to develop the most appropriate solution to these problems. The government is working with the ACT Division of General Practice and other key stakeholders to develop an agreed approach to improving after-hours primary medical care in the ACT. It is expected that an agreed approach will be developed within three months, with a view to implementing it within six.

The Department of Health and Community Care will be opening an adult night shelter to provide 10 residential beds for short-term crisis accommodation. The key target groups include people with problematic drug and alcohol use, people with a mental illness and those with a dual diagnosis. We will also conduct a feasibility study into the need for a youth night shelter.

The government will move to implement key recommendations from the report by the Assembly on elder abuse in the ACT. Of particular importance will be the establishment of a single contact phone number for reports of elder abuse, the investigation of provisions for compulsory registration of all powers of attorney, and a review of the operations of powers of attorney that will include a mechanism for monitoring abuse.

Within six months, consultations will be under way on the development of a framework for carers and the development of a carers act for the ACT, with the aim of providing greater support and recognition for the many carers in our community.

In the run-up to last October's election, Labor consulted broadly with the community, in part to better understand what was required to improve mental health services in the territory. I have asked my department to review consultation arrangements to ensure consumers and the general community effectively participate in the development of relevant policies and services.

People who suffer mental illness may also have other problems. More attention needs to be given to improving the training of those who provide services to people with complex and multiple needs. Only last week the government advertised a dual diagnosis position that will look at this need.

My government has made a commitment that all members of our community will benefit equally from the new information society and is progressing a number of initiatives to address the digital divide. By no later than mid-2002, the government expects to have established a community IT advisory panel to engage the community in addressing the digital divide.

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