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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2002 Week 1 Hansard (13 December) . . Page.. 300 ..

Territory-owned corporations

(Question No 18)

Mr Cornwell asked the Treasurer, upon notice, on 13 December 2001:

In relation to Territory Owned Corporations failing within your ministerial portfolio:

(1) What are their names;

(2) How many staff does each employ;

(3) What is the total budget allocation for this financial year;

(4) What was the profit or loss made by each in the last financial year;

(5) What administrative or functional processes does each outsource;

(6) For each, what was the cost of outsourced staff or services in the last

financial year.

Mr Quinlan: The answer to the member's question is as follows:

(1) There are three Territory owned Corporations, namely ACTEW Corporation Limited, ACTTAB Limited and Totalcare Industries Limited.

(2) As at December 2001 there were 744 people employed by ACTEW of which 734 were on secondment to the ActewAGL Joint Venture, Totalcare had employed 376 people and ACTTAB had 69.04 fulltime staff equivalents.

(3) In 2001-02 Totalcare will receive $5 million from the ACT Budget in the form of a capital injection. $8.138 million was also included in the Budget to fund Community Service Obligations provided by ACTEW. ACTTAB did not receive any budget appropriation.

(4) The profit or loss result for each Territory Owned Corporation in 2000-01 is detailed as follows:

(a) ACTEW Corporation Limited $90,624,000 profit (consolidated profit includes subsidiaries and joint ventures)

(b) ACTTAB $837,000 profit; and

(c) Totalcare $7,635,000 loss.

(5) Each Territory Owned Corporation obtains professional or specialist services such as legal or technical advice according to their needs.

(6) In 2000-01 the following expenses were incurred by ACTTAB and Totalcare for outsourced administrative or functional processes:

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