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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 10 Hansard (30 August) . . Page.. 3898 ..

MR SMYTH (continuing):

Then this MLA beguiling their sad fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance he wore,

"Though thy be not shorn nor shaven," said the Speaker, "you're no


Teacher, resident and maven, hunting Canberra's planning law-

Tell me what thy proper name is here upon our Chamber floor."

Quoth the Member: "Michael Moore."

"Come have I to end the parking of your cars in streets, thus sparking

angry residents whose barking protests I've arranged and publicised.

Also here I will attend to workers sexual, and defend

To keep at bay infections pending if they stay outside the law.

For, you see, it seems to be very much too great a flaw

To leave in place a harmful law."

Education, then, he wondered-How to get it better funded?

Budgets surpluses he plundered guaranteeing that good end.

For he told them, parties all, that no support would be provided,

If they failed, every year, to meet this his demand.

They complied, and schooling funded-met with his demand,

Lest the public schools go poor.

Presently his soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,

"Sir," said he, "or Madam, minimisations of all harm for sure;

Must be our vision, and provision should be made in law."

And so promptly he came moving, voting on their Chamber floor,

Moving motions and proposals, hoping to amend the law-

Bills and motions and much more.

Wanted he in legislation sundry forms of termination,

Lacking no determination young and old to each provide

An easy if untimely end. Many times he did put forward

Complex arguments undaunted hoping to establish places

And to give dependents choices so they might reduce diseases.

Merely these, and nothing more!

Thus the Member, much-offending many with his talk of ending

Long-established legal order, then with each election pending,

Experts claim his time is ending, as upon their daily polling,

Comes no word of voters casting their approval for his law.

Sent will he be from their Chamber, never back upon their floor.

They'll cast no vote for Michael Moore.

Suddenly, the air grew denser, perfumed by dramatic tension,

All ambition and pretensions staked upon the voters whim.

Every candidate and party put to general election,

Many called but fewer chosen by the public's own selection.

Yet our Member came once further, back upon their Chamber floor.

Back once more was Michael Moore.

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