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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 10 Hansard (30 August) . . Page.. 3727 ..
MR SMYTH (continuing):
Mr Speaker, any new controls will be modelled on the garden city heritage precinct controls. For those properties without specific controls, the council will publish guidelines on the range of development activities likely to be consistent with heritage values. The proposed registration process will provide the same level of certainty to owners of heritage properties as it provides under the current system.
Where development is proposed for a place on the register, the Heritage Council will provide advice in a way that is more responsive and based on current community views and expectations. The advice provided, in this case to the minister, would be based on published guidelines that are regularly updated, as well as integrating heritage advice with other planning processes such as master plans. This system is more akin to modern heritage systems in other states and territories. It is simple, effective and responsive to community views. At the same time, it draws on the expertise of the Heritage Council and is integrated with the planning process.
Presentation of this bill fulfils the commitment made to this Assembly to reform the ACT's heritage legislation. Members should consider this bill as an exposure draft. While there may not be the opportunity to debate the contents of the bill during this Assembly, it does provide a clear picture of this government's intention.
In addition to the Heritage Bill 2001, reform of the ACT's heritage legislation will require amendments to the land act. These amendments will need to remove the heritage provisions from the land act. The amendments will provide the necessary linkages between the planning and development provisions in the land act and the heritage legislation to ensure that the integration of development applications and development controls with heritage provisions is retained.
I am happy to arrange for a full briefing for any member of the Assembly on the intricacies of the bill. I believe that we have successfully provided a system that will ensure the protection of the ACT's heritage into the future. Mr Speaker, I move:
That this bill be agreed to in principle.
Debate (on motion by Mr Corbell ) adjourned to the next sitting.
Executive business
MR MOORE (Minister for Health, Housing and Community Services) (10.41): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to bring Executive business order of the day No 1 on for debate forthwith and prior to Assembly business.
Leave granted.
MR MOORE: I move:
That Executive Business Order of the Day No 1 relating to the Payroll Tax Amendment Bill, be called on forthwith.
Question resolved in the affirmative.
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