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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 10 Hansard (28 August) . . Page.. 3536 ..

50 Reviewable decisions

For the definition of reviewable decision in the Act, section 26RA (1) (Notice of decisions to be given to affected people), the decisions of the Minister mentioned in schedule 3 are reviewable decisions.

[3.4] Schedules 1 to 3


Schedule 1 Diseases related to employment

(see reg 48)

column 1 column 2 column 3

disease employment

1 Ankylostomiasis Employment in or about a mine

2 Anthrax Employment in connection with-

(a) animals infected with anthrax; or

(b) animal carcasses or parts of such

carcasses; or

(c) wool, hair, bristles, hides or skins; or

(d) loading, unloading or transport of

animals, animal carcasses or parts of

such carcasses, wool hair, bristles,

hides or skins

3 Asbestosis Employment involving exposure to, or

contact with, asbestos

4 Chrome ulceration of skin or Employment involving exposure to or

mucous membrane; any of contact with-

the sequelae of such an (a) chromic acid; or

ulceration (b) bichromate of-

(i) ammonium; or

(ii) potassium; or

(iii) sodium,

or a preparation containing any of those


5 Mesothelioma Employment involving exposure to, or

contact with, asbestos

6 Pathological condition caused Employment involvin g exposure to or

by- contact with radium, other radioactive

(a) radium or another substances or x-rays

radioactive substance; or

(b) x-rays

7 Pneumoconiosis Employment involving inhalation of matter

capable of causing pneumoconiosis

8 Poisoning by antimony or a Employment involving exposure to or contact

compound of antimony; any with antimony, a compound of antimony or a

of the sequelae of such a preparation containing antimony or such a

poisoning compound

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