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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 8 Hansard (9 August) . . Page.. 2954 ..

ACT Disability Advisory Council

Established under: Commonwealth State Disability Agreement

Date established: Nov 1999

: Commonwealth State Disability Agreement

Reports to: Minister for Health, Housing & Community Services

Terms of Reference

The role of the ACT Disability Advisory Council (the Council) is to provide advice to the Minister for Health, Housing and Community Services (the Minister) on matters relating to people with disabilities.

The Council will be asked for advice on a range of matters that may include:

Promoting the rights of people with disabilities;

Service provisicin to people with disabilities;

The impact 6f legislation on people with disabilities; and

Issues of access and equity.

The Council focuses its advice on the key elements of the current Strategic Plan for Disability Services and its related Action Plan, and/or on other matters agreed between the Minister and the Council.

In order to provide advice to the Minister, the Council actively seeks out the views of people with disabilities and of others who are involved in supporting people with disabilities with the community. The council is guided in its consultations by the ACT Government's Consultation Protocol.

The Council consists of seven members, including a Chair, all of whom are appointed by the Minister. At least four representatives are to be people with disabilities. The remaining membership may include carers, families and friends of people with disabilities, people with an interest and expertise in disability matters and service providers. There should be no more than two service provider members. Representatives from the ACT Department of Health, Housing and Community Care and the Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services are to be ex officio members.

The following attributes are sought in the Council as a whole:

A strong commitment to the best interests of people with disabilities and to the work of the Council;

A breadth of knowledge and information on disability issues and disability service provision; An understanding of the disability services sector in the ACT;

The ability to develop and complete a workplan in line with the Minister's requirements for advice; and

Breadth of membership representing the diversity of the community, including gender balance.

Appointments are for a period of two years and are not normally be extended.

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