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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 8 Hansard (9 August) . . Page.. 2863 ..

Clause 50

Page 20, line 16-

Omit "on 31 December 2002", substitute "18 months after it commences".

Proposed new part 5 and schedule 1

Page 20, line 16-

After clause 50, insert the following new part and schedule:

Part 5 Repeals and consequential amendments

51 Repeals

(1) The Motor Omnibus Services Act 1955 is repealed.

(2) The following subordinate laws are repealed:

(a) the Motor Omnibus Services Regulations SL 1955 No 14;

(b) the Road Transport (Bus Services) Regulations 2000

SL 2000 No 9.

(3) If this section commences before the commencement of the Legislation Act 2001, section 18 (ACT legislation register), the Road Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2001 is repealed.

52 Schedule 1

Schedule 1 amends the Acts and subordinate laws mentioned in that schedule.

53 Expiry of pt 5 and schedule 1

This part and schedule 1 expire on 31 December 2001.

Schedule 1 Consequential amendments

(see s 52)

Part 1.1 Magistrates Court Act 1930

[1.1] Section 116AA (2), definition of road transport legislation, paragraphs (d) to (g)

renumber as paragraphs (e) to (h)

[1.2] Section 116AA (2), definition of road transport legislation, new paragraph (d)


(d) the Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Act 2001;

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