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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 8 Hansard (9 August) . . Page.. 2851 ..

22  Staff

(1) The authority may employ the staff it considers necessary to exercise its functions.

(2) The terms and conditions of employment of staff employed by the authority are as set out in a negotiated industrial agreement under the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cwth).

(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to staff at an executive level.

Clause 23

Subclause (1)

Page 8, line 32-

Omit "corporation", substitute "Minister".

Clause 23

Subclause (2)

Page 9, line 7-

Omit "changed-", substitute "changed by a negotiated industrial agreement-".

Clause 24

Page 9, line 25-

[Oppose the clause.}

Clause 25

Page 10, line 2-

Omit the clause, substitute the following clause:

25  Requests for information

The authority must provide the Minister with all the information about the affairs of the authority that the Minister requests.

Clause 26

Page 10, line 6-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".

Clause 26

Paragraph (a)

Page 10, line 8-

Omit "corporation", substitute "authority".

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