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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 8 Hansard (7 August) . . Page.. 2524 ..
a) a statement that the amendment of the amended law has been made under section 68; and
(b) a statement that the amendment was notified in the Gazette on a date stated; and
(c) the text of the resolution passed, or taken to have been passed, by the Legislative Assembly under section 68; and
(c) the day when the resolution was passed or taken to have been passed; and
(d) the day when the subordinate law or disallowable instrument is taken to be amended because of the resolution.
Explanatory note
This amendment is consequential on amendment 2.17F (in particular, removal of the need for separate parts within the legislation register) and amendments 2.23L and 2.23M (in particular, the more detailed provisions dealing with resolutions of the Legislative Assembly to amend a subordinate law or instrument).
Schedule 2
Proposed amendment 2.25
Page 42, line 4-
Omit the amendment, substitute the following new amendments:[2.25] Section 91 (8)
an equivalent
a corresponding
Explanatory note
This amendment will bring the language of section 91 (8) into line with the terminology in proposed sections 126 (7), 127 (6), 134 (7), 135 (6) and 156 (5).[2.25A] Section 93 (5), note
Note Section 127 (Material that is not part of an Act or statutory instrument) deals with the status of notes.
Explanatory note
This amendment updates the reference to the provision mentioned in the note. The provision is being relocated to the Legislation Act 2001 by the Bill.
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