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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 6 Hansard (15 June) . . Page.. 1941 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

This is how they justify wanting consistency with the Commonwealth. It is so hard and so expensive to administer that they have not even had to open an Excel spreadsheet. You normally put these things on an Excel spreadsheet, then when it comes time to do it you push the button, print it off and send it to the Electoral Commission. That would be too much time and effort compared to writing it out by hand. That is how strong your argument is. It is absolutely pathetic.

The documents I have tabled put to shame the argument that both parties have been putting publicly. They ought to be extraordinarily embarrassed.

MS TUCKER (10.03): I am speaking to Mr Moore's amendment. I understand what he is saying and what he is trying to do. It is a bit of a stunt. I would not want to support it. There is an ability to make a profit. Mr Osborne, I understand, did make some profit, even at 2 per cent. That is very unusual. If you take it to 0 per cent, the capacity to make a profit will be much greater.

I understand from the commissioner that at this point you do not have to justify what you get back for what you spent for the campaign.

Mr Rugendyke: Where is my cut?

MS TUCKER: Mr Rugendyke wants a cut. You can sort that out later, boys.

I am as offended as Mr Moore is by what Labor and Liberal are doing here tonight, but I cannot in good conscience support what Mr Moore is doing. It needs more work. I understand the point he is making, but I wanted to explain why I cannot support it.

MR MOORE (Minister for Health, Housing and Community Services) (10.05): Ms Tucker is right. My recollection of the act is that you do have to justify the thing. The commissioner assures me that that is not the case, so I seek leave to withdraw the amendment.

Leave granted.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Question put:

That proposed new clause 25A be inserted in the bill.

The Assembly voted-

	 Ayes 10  			Noes 5

 Mr Berry  	Mr Quinlan  		Mr Kaine   
 Mrs Burke  	Mr Smyth  		Mr Moore  
 Mr Corbell  	Mr Stanhope  		Mr Osborne
 Mr Cornwell  	Mr Stefaniak  		Mr Rugendyke
 Mr Humphries  	Mr Wood  		Ms Tucker

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