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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 6 Hansard (13 June) . . Page.. 1672 ..
MR SMYTH (continuing):
The majority of rural areas were recommended for terms of 99 years, while other areas were noted as being subject to further planning studies. Areas with ongoing planning studies included Gungahlin, Majura, Jerrabomberra and Symonston.
The assessment procedure for applications made under the new policy has given rise to a number of anticipated and unanticipated delays. These delays include undertaking and resolving survey issues, the undertaking of comprehensive environmental surveys and the definition of boundaries-such as those leases that share boundaries with Namadgi or the Murrumbidgee, and the inclusion of agistment land.
The resolution of these issues has meant, in a number of instances, lessees who have applied for 'new policy' rural leases will not have their leases executed by the 15 June 2001, which is the cut-off date for the concessional price.
Further, and importantly, for those areas that have had planning studies recently finalised, and for which further lease terms have been decided, the-18 month period also ends on 15 June 2001.
For other areas that are still under consideration, and for which terms will not be known until next year, the concessional period as it currently applies will also cease on 15 June 2001. This situation is clearly inequitable.
Each time planning studies for areas are finalised, the rural lease term map, contained in a new Disallowable Instrument, is tabled in the Assembly.
To ensure that all rural lessees are treated equitably, this Bill amends section 171A of the Land Act to allow the concessional period to be specified in the Disallowable Instrument. This will enable the concessional period to be set in accordance with the availability of tenure outlined in the rural lease term map.
As a consequence of the amendments to section 171A, section 186D has also been amended.
Section 186D deals with the circumstances under which the discharge amount is payable. The Act currently refers to leases granted within the 18 month period as being subject to payment of the "discharge amount". This section, as written, ceases to operate on 15 June 2001.
The Bill amends section 186D so that it now directly refers to the "discharge amount" as an amount payable for new rural policy leases that were granted at less than market value, as intended by the policy.
Mr Speaker, the Bill seeks to make amendments that are minor and technical in nature. The amendments ensure that the full intention of the Government's rural policy is realised by continuing to provide an equitable opportunity for rural lessees to apply for a new policy lease.
Mr Speaker, I now seek to have the Bill agreed to in principle.
Debate (on motion by Mr Corbell ) adjourned to the next sitting.
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