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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 5 Hansard (3 May) . . Page.. 1519 ..

[5.7]  Section 25 (4) and (5)-

Omit the subsections, substitute the following subsections:

(4) An image stated by a certificate given under subsection (2) to be an accurate copy of an image taken by an approved camera detection device is evidence of everything indicated on or shown by the image.

Note  Information etc that is indicated on an image includes information etc accompanying or reasonably associated with the image (see the dict, def of indicated on ).

(5) Without limiting subsection (4), the information indicated on or shown by the image is evidence of the following matters:

(a) that the vehicle shown in the image was being driven when and the place where (the relevant time and place ) the image was taken by the device;

(b) if the information indicates a speed limit-that the speed limit applied to the driver of the vehicle for the length of road where the driver was driving at the relevant time and place;

(c) if the information indicates the speed of the vehicle-that the driver was driving the vehicle at that speed at the relevant time and place;

(d) if the information indicates the lane and the general direction in which the vehicle was travelling-that the vehicle was travelling in that lane in the general direction indicated;

(e) if the information indicates the length of time a red traffic light or red traffic arrow facing the driver of the vehicle at the intersection concerned had been showing-that the light or arrow shown in the image had been showing for the stated time before the driver entered the intersection.

[5.8]  Section 26 (c)-

Omit "produced by", substitute "taken or created by".

[5.9]  Section 27 (heading)-

Omit the heading, substitute the following heading:

27 Inspection and purchase of images taken by camera detection devices

(MTA s 180ZI)

[5.10] Section 27 (2)-

Omit the subsection, substitute the following subsection:

(2) The road transport authority must-

(a) make a copy of the image (including the information indicated on the image) available for inspection by the person; and

(b) give a copy to the person if the person asks for a copy.

Note A fee may be determined under the Road Transport (General) Act 1999, s 96 (Determination of fees, charges and other amounts) for this section.

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