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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 4 Hansard (29 March) . . Page.. 1258 ..
Reporting System (IDRS)"-National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) Technical Report No. 82. The Technical Report research document is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care under the National Drug Strategy.
5) See questions 1) and 4) above.
6) During each of the past three years, the following number of seizures have been undertaken by the AFP in relation to ecstasy: 1998 = 4; 1999 = 4; 2000 = 15.
The Director of Public Prosecutions advises that the number of prosecutions in the ACT for possession and usage of ecstasy are not readily available. While statistics are not currently kept relating to the specific drugs that are the subject to prosecution, the Courts have convened a committee to review criminal justice statistics.
The Director of Public Prosecutions does advise, however, that in the normal course of events, the number of seizures (as indicated by the AFP above) would result in the same number of prosecutions in each of the past three years.
7) a) ACT Ambulance Service do not capture data specifically relating to ecstasy overdose. Ecstasy is a street term for a range of drugs that are similar in structure to MDMA (Methylenedioxyinethamphetamine), and similar in structure and affect to amphetamines and hallucinogens. Also, given that ingredients for producing ecstasy are often hard to get, manufacturers may substitute a wide range of substances when making the drug. There is the chance that when ecstasy is purchased it will contain little MDMA.
ACT Ambulance call-out statistics do indicate that an overdose has been attended, however, with the exception of heroin related attendance, there is no way of determining the drug responsible for the remaining call-outs.
Year Total Overdoses Attended Heroin Related Attendance
1997-1998 863 2631998-1999 1057 541
1999-2000 1033 478
b) There have been no overdose deaths attributed to ecstasy in the ACT.
8) The following programs are currently in place to educate and assist people with issues related to substance misuse (including ecstasy). ACT Government spending for 2000/01 is indicated against each program.
All services, including education, counselling and case management, are free of charge to the client group. A fee is charged for non-government residential services, with a client contribution of approximately 75-85% of Government benefit (usually sickness benefits).
� ACT Community Care : ($4,542, 100)
range of education, counselling, case management, and detoxification programs;
� Alcohol and Drug Foundation of ACT (ADFACT) ($1,053,900)
Karralika Therapeutic Community and Family Program, Half Way Houses and
Community Access Program (Relapse Prevention);
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